Corporate Programs

“Kayleigh, thank you for your wonderful coaching at Morgan Stanley. One of the best training sessions I have received during my 10 years plus tenure there.” 

The wellbeing of your workforce has a direct relationship on the success of your organization. Research conducted by Gallup scientists over the past fifty years is clear: The physical and emotional health of each individual affects the engagement, creativity, and resilience of your organization as a whole. Kayleigh conducts a number of corporate workshops and trainings, tailored specifically to your company’s needs. Below is a sampling of past offerings

Taming Stress: The Skills of Brain-Body Balance

Under stress, you are flooded with hormones that shut down your body’s vital maintenance and repair systems and tell your brain to feel irritable, anxious, and impulsive. Over time, chronic activation of the stress response literally burns out the body and mind. Through this workshop, we will explore:

  • The physiology of stress
  • Tools to identify and respond to your personal stress triggers
  • “Naming” and “Taming” stress in real time, so you can respond effectively
  • Science-tested ways to activate your body’s “rest response” through breath, conscious relaxation, and meditation

Cognitive Resilience: Working with the Mind

The course of our lives is not determined by what happens to us, but by how we interpret and respond to what is happening. The field of positive psychology has illuminated the mental resilience skills we all need to effectively work with our thoughts, especially during times of stress when our cognition narrows and we are not seeing clearly. In this workshop, we will:

  • Explore the ABC Model of Mental Resilience
  • Identify the common “thinking traps” that keep us stuck
  • Learn how to stop the downward spiral of “catastrophizing”
  • Cultivate the inner awareness needed to respond to what is happening, rather than react.

Emotional Resilience: Responding to Feelings

When life doesn’t go your way — you make a mistake, a challenge thwarts your plan, or you fail– how do you respond to yourself?

When it comes to experiences of personal shortcoming or failure, many of us beat ourselves up with harsh judgment and criticism. We say things to ourselves we would never say to a good friend. Self-criticism is often an attempt to motivate ourselves to be better, but research shows that it leads to burnout, shame, numbing behaviors, anxiety, and depression. In this workshop, we will address:

  • The physiological underpinnings of why self-criticism doesn’t work to motivate successful change
  • The skills of mindfulness and compassion to “bounce back” after emotional setback
  • The link between self-compassion and resilience, happiness, intimacy, and health behaviors

Creating a Value-Motivated Life

Many of us are bumbling through our lives on automatic pilot, skimming the surface of our potential. Defining what matters most to you and actively pursuing that direction is a value-motivated life. While simply stated, unearthing one’s values and understanding how they operate in daily life needs unpacking. In this workshop, we will address:

  • The link between values and enhanced self-worth, resilience, willpower, and health
  • The difference between values and goals
  • Exercises from positive psychology to discover your core values
  • Creating a values statement to motivate your life
  • The process of visioning and goal-setting to align your behaviors with your values

Communication: The Skills of Connection

Relationships are likely the most important source of life satisfaction and well-being. We are designed for connection, and the deeper our relationships with friends, family, and colleagues, the better our mental and physical health. A primary challenge in any relationship is ineffective communication, leading to frustration, anger, or hurt. Through this workshop, we will address:

  • How to reframe judgment and blame into observation so that connection is possible
  • How to identify and express our feelings and needs to make effective requests
  • Listening skills to create trust and respect
  • Transforming challenging conversations into opportunities for greater connection with self and other

Positive Experience: Celebrating the Best of Life

Happiness is not easy; our brains are hardwired to pay attention to what is not going right in our lives. The good news is that research in the field of positive psychology shows we can re-pattern our attention and habits of mind to cultivate the skills of happiness. In this workshop, we will address:

  • Why the attitude “just be positive” doesn’t work and can be harmful to well-being
  • Positive psychology as a new approach to transformation, providing the “user manual” we all need to build flourishing lives
  • How to overcome the brain’s “negativity bias”
  • Neuroplasticity as the key to changing how you think and feel
  • Tools to strengthen the volume of heartfelt positive emotion in everyday life

Self-Care: Identifying and Meeting Our Needs

Despite the most sincere of intentions to take good care of ourselves, the majority of us fail to make healthy lifestyle changes because we don’t know how to work with a human brain evolved for immediate gratification. Following strict rules will never work in the long-term. Successful behavioral change requires understanding the relationship between our needs, feelings, and behaviors. In this workshop, we will:

  • Examine our beliefs and patterns around self-care
  • Learn how to identify and respond to unmet needs
  • Explore the neural underpinnings of habits
  • Learn how to effectively break and replace habits
  • Use mindfulness as a means to overcome self-defeating patterns

Nutrition: Feeding Ourselves for Wellbeing

The food we put into our bodies provides the raw materials for our blood cells, tissues, bones, and brains. Food powerfully communicates with your body to affect everything from hormone balance to gene expression. Given the proper environment, your body has the power to heal itself and enjoy vibrant health. Many of us are confused by all the diet rules and ever-changing nutrition research. Through this workshop, we will address:

  • How food communicates with your brain and body, empowering you to make choices from a place of self-understanding
  • The science of relaxation and stress on metabolism and weight
  • The effects of sugar on the brain and how to break the addictive cycle
  • Conscious pleasure as a means to awaken our body-wisdom
  • Mindful eating as a way of life
  • How to develop a way of eating that not only optimally supports your body, but also serves your values

 As a long time member of the Vistage Group, Kayleigh is the best speaker we have ever had!